October 2019 finally gave me the chance to walk Camino de Santiago, all the way from Saint-Jean Pied-de-Port in France, over the Pyrenees via Route Napoleon to Roncevalles in Spain and along the traditional route named "Camino Frances" to Santiago de Compostella, 780 km in 27 days. It is one of those 4 - 5 experiences that I will think of as a highlight of my life. This article is mostly intended to share the photos with the friends that I met along the route. That is why it is in English. Most of the time we spoke either French or German but I have to find a common denominator. Put up with me for trying to play with interactive maps which took a lot of programming. You can zoom and pan them and rotate (shift-click-drag). Clicking a part of the path should take you to the photos from that day. Sorry, I did not test it on smart phones, touch devices or Mac's